Behind the Mic is a series of short interviews to celebrate the work of the actors who provided the voices for Mortuus Est series.

Today we have Phoenix, who plays Hera Marroquin Silva.

How long have you been acting for

I’ve been acting for about 2 years on and off.

What made you begin acting? 

Since I was little I knew this is what I wanted to do. I always wanted to perform one way or another, I just never got the courage to do it. Once I did, my life changed for the better.

What pushed me to start acting was the little kid in me needing to finally go after her dream. I felt like I owed it to little me to at least try.

Who do you play in Mortuus Est: Origins? Do you relate to your character? If yes, how so? If not, how did you get into character?

I play Hera Marroquin, other than her having my last name I feel I can relate to her bravery and boldness. She’s such a badass and I felt so empowered playing her. getting into character was extremely fun, I brought pieces of myself and my own struggles to bring her to life.

Have you always done voice acting?

This was my first time voice acting and it was the funnest thing ever! It made me want to continue doing VO.

In the forms of acting you have done, what challenges do you think present themselves in each form?

The challenge I constantly face is getting out of my own head. I love to prepare and create characters but getting in the zone is what takes me the longest.

How do you overcome challenges when performing? 

To be honest my biggest method of overcoming challenges and nerves has to be using music to shut off my inner dialogue. When I’m in my head I turn on a good song, dance it out and become so much more confident in who I am and what I’m doing!

Is there an actor, director, teacher, or friend you draw inspiration from? If so, please tell me about them and why they inspire you. 

I draw inspiration from everywhere. Whether it be a random person on the street or a situation I’ve been in, inspiration comes from everywhere with me.

What is one thing you know now, you wish you knew when you began your acting career? 

One thing I’ve learned is to not take anything too serious and have fun. I used to want to be perfect and would feel so down when nothing went my way. Once I realized to just go with the flow and have fun everything changed for the better.

Hear Phoenix in action as Hera Marroquin Silva in Origins!

This article has been edited for clarity before being published.

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